From their first meeting 14 years ago Mats Ek and Ana Laguna we have walked together in it professional and staff. He is a Swedish choreographer of the most important creators of contemporary dance he did shows as Giselle, Swan Lake and Carmen. She is a Spanish excellent interpreter. It’s history began in the Compania Nacional de Danza (CND) in Spain. And since then they dance together on the way up here in the next opening. A show called Aluminum in which he tries to use the drama from de music and dancing.

Read one of the interviews with Mats Ek and Anna Laguna seemed it curious and tender while the answer that he said when a jurnalist asked how had been when they met.
¿Do you remember how it was when you met?
EK: It was an audition that Anna did at the Teatro de la Zarzuela to enter the Cullberg Ballet ... I fixed with Anna but she didn’t with me .. (laughs) .My development as a choreographer she is related to. She has been fundamental to have it near me.